Latest products and features at DigitalOcean: June 2020

Rafael Rosa

Posted: June 24, 20203 min read
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    June was a month of consolidation at DigitalOcean as compared to April and May, in which we launched major products like Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Trust Platform, Container Registry, and SFO3, a brand new data center in San Francisco.

    Here are the products and features that we shipped in June:

    • Primary keys for new tables in Managed MySQL: Beginning June 4, 2020, you are required to create a primary key for each new table in any DigitalOcean Managed MySQL Database to improve cluster performance. Primary keys are a single field or combination of fields that are defined to become a unique identifier for a row in a table, such as a row’s number or a name field combined with a birth date field. Primary keys increase search accuracy and performance, and they enhance cross-reference relationships between tables.
    • Creation of new Spaces in FRA1 and NYC3 disabled until late 2020: Due to capacity issues in FRA1 and NYC3, we are temporarily disabling the creation of new Spaces in these regions. This restriction began at 9 a.m. UTC on June 10, 2020, and will last until our engineering team finishes updating the clusters later this year. Existing Spaces in FRA1 and NYC3 are unaffected, and you can still create new Spaces in AMS3.
    • End of life for CoreOS Container Linux: On 26 May 2020, CoreOS Container Linux reached its end of life and will not receive further updates. Per DigitalOcean’s image deprecation policy, you can only deploy the CoreOS Container Linux image via the API starting on May 26, 2020. We will remove the CoreOS image from the platform on June 26, 2020.
    • New versions for DigitalOcean Terraform provider: We released the following versions in June:
      v1.19.0 includes initial support for the DigitalOcean Container Registry
      v1.20.0 includes the addition of a digitalocean_tagsdata source and improvements to other tag-related resources
    • Reserved IPs billing update (reminder):  Reserved IPs (formerly named Floating IPs) are publicly accessible static IP addresses that you can assign to Droplets. Reserved IPs are always free when assigned to a Droplet, but we have now started charging for unassigned Reserved IPs. The first charge will appear in July 2020 invoices for all reserved IPs that were not assigned to Droplets during the month of June. If you have unassigned reserved IPs that you don’t need, please delete them to avoid any charges.
    • Marketplace updates: We launched Computing for COVID 1-Click App that enables you to fire up a cloud computer that immediately contributes to the search for finding drug targets. This app allows you to support researchers’ computational requirements at the University of Washington’s Baker Lab as part of their coronavirus response. Kubernetes 1-Click Apps can now be launched via API, and we’ve updated the NodeJS 1-Click App with various usability improvements. We’ve also made sure the Getting Started information for your 1-Click Apps will be easily accessible right from your Droplets page in the Control Panel.

    Check out the release notes for other minor product updates in June. You can also learn about the updates from the previous month here.

    We hope you give the new updates a try. If you have an idea for improving our products or want to vote on other user ideas so they get prioritized, please submit your feedback. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here.

    Until next month, 
    Happy coding and stay safe!

    Rafael Rosa,
    Senior Product Manager


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