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DigitalOcean Kubernetes, our managed K8s offering, enables developers, startups, and SMBs to provision and deploy production-grade Kubernetes clusters reliably and with increased resilience.
We’re thrilled to share that we’ve added several new features and capabilities to DigitalOcean Kubernetes to make it even easier for you to build and manage your apps.
Last year, we redesigned the control plane of DigitalOcean Kubernetes to make it easier for you to run workloads reliably, and to provide high availability. We’ve added additional regions support to the High Availability Control Plane for Digital Kubernetes other than the original four data centers NYC1 (New York), SFO3 (San Francisco), AMS3 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), and SGP1 (Singapore).
The high availability control plane is now available in the following data centers:
You can now run Operational Readiness Checks for your DOKS clusters from the Cloud control panel with Clusterlint, simplifying the configuration of underlying resources.
Clusterlint helps operators conform to Kubernetes best practices around resource usage, security, and reliability to avoid common problems while operating or upgrading the cluster. It provides platform-specific checks to identify issues with resources that cluster operators can fix to run in a specific environment.
DigitalOcean Marketplace used to be the central place for all the third-party and open-source preconfigured apps and stacks, popularly known as 1-Click Apps. You can now discover and manage the 1-clicks from the Kubernetes control panel itself, as the new “Add-ons tab” of your cluster.