Team Accounts

Edward Chiu

Posted: June 8, 20152 min read
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As more and more applications get deployed on DigitalOcean’s cloud, we’ve seen that many accounts have multiple developers using the same credentials. Anyone who has ever shared an account login with someone knows how frustrating it can be. We are proud to announce that Team Accounts are here!

We’re particularly excited about this release as it will better support teams of developers and companies working on large-scale and established applications.

Happiness in Simple Things

At DigitalOcean, we pride ourselves in providing the simplest infrastructure experience. With Team Accounts, we wanted to create a feature that allows teams to seamlessly work together.

Previously, a team shared a single login to access their DigitalOcean infrastructure, hardly the best scenario if the main account holder leaves or changes the password. Team Accounts now allows multiple individuals to have their own 2-Factor enabled login. Not only do they avoid sharing the password, but their own credentials remain secure.

Development teams can also easily manage their infrastructure resources. In the case of exceptional traffic, anyone in the engineering group can scale the application to ensure that their users are unaffected.

Additionally, Team Accounts creates a simpler process for Dev Shops. Rather than contending with a messy transition in billing information when they’re first deploying or handing off the account to clients (sharing passwords, changing passwords, changing CC info, emailing customer support to remove devs from the account, changing the account owner), they can now send clients to this tutorial.

Skip the Expense Reports

After speaking with many users we discovered two simple truths: 1) It’s a very awkward conversation to ask your “finance” person for the company credit card and 2) No one enjoys doing expense reports, especially when you have to front the money out of your own pocket.

Now that you have the ability to invite multiple users to access and manage your account’s resources using a shared billing profile, you can spend that extra savings on that other thing you’ve always wanted.

We Want More!

We realize in most initial releases of any product there will be features missing for a particular use case. We couldn’t have built this feature without the awesome feedback we received during user testing, and as we continue evolving Team Accounts to suit your needs, we hope you’ll share your feedback on our Uservoice page.

This exciting new feature is possible because of a huge team effort inside and outside of DigitalOcean. We hope you’ll enjoy being part of a TEAM as much as we do.

You can read up on the specifics of Team Accounts in our tutorial.

by Edward Chiu


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