WordPress has become one of the most popularly deployed and used web applications the world has ever seen. Thanks to years of constant development, it is now possible to create a nearly endless amount of different websites (or even web-applications) based on WordPress and its available plug-ins / extensions.
In this DigitalOcean article, using the Docker Linux Container Engine, we are going learn how to dockerise (i.e. package and contain) WordPress applications on Ubuntu cloud servers and discover what probably is the most simple and secure way of deploying multiple WordPress sites on a single host.
The Docker project offers higher-level tools, working together, which are built on top of some Linux kernel features with the goal of helping developers and system administrators port applications - with all of their dependencies conjointly - and get them running across systems and machines headache free.
Docker achieves this by creating safe, LXC (Linux Containers) based environments for applications called “containers” which are created using images. These bases for containers can be built either by executing commands manually by logging inside like a virtual-machine, or by automating the process through Dockerfiles.
Note: To learn more about Docker and its parts (i.e. the docker daemon, CLI, images, etc.), check out our introductory article to the project: Docker Explained: Getting Started.
WordPress was initially created as an easy to install and use self-publication platform (i.e. a Blogging engine). It has become extremely popular over the years, which lead to development of many 3rd party plugins, turning the tool into a full CMS (Content Management System). Based on WordPress, a lot of different types of web-sites and web-applications can be created with simplicity and deployed with ease.
WordPress is an open-source platform that is developed using the PHP programming language, which surely helped it on its way to success. PHP is currently one of the most common web-site and web-application creation languages and the choice of many companies (including Facebook).
WordPress sites rely on MySQL relational-database to keep their data and there are multiple ways to power a WordPress site given the multiple choices available to run PHP and MySQL together.
In this article, we will go with a tried-and-tested method to create WordPress installed Docker images, which will enable you to run yet-another WordPress site on any VPS, with a single command by using Docker.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-`uname -r`
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9
sudo sh -c "echo deb http://get.docker.io/ubuntu docker main\
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lxc-docker git
Ubuntu’s default firewall (UFW: Uncomplicated Firewall) denies all forwarding traffic by default, which is needed by docker.
Edit UFW configuration using the nano text editor.
sudo nano /etc/default/ufw
Scroll down and find the line beginning with DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY.
Press CTRL+X and approve with Y to save and close.
sudo ufw reload
If you are planning on using the docker
daemon remotely, then you will need to allow the default Docker port 4243.
sudo ufw allow 4243/tcp
Before we begin working with docker, let’s quickly go over its available commands to refresh our memory from our first Getting Started article.
Upon installation, the docker daemon should be running in the background, ready to accept commands sent by the docker
client. For certain situations where it might be necessary to manually run Docker, use the following.
Running the docker daemon:
sudo docker -d &
Client Usage:
sudo docker [option] [command] [arguments]
Note: Docker needs sudo privileges in order to work as it uses sockets owned by root
You can get a full list of all available commands by simply calling the client:
Here is a list of all available commands as of version 0.8.0
attach Attach to a running container
build Build a container from a Dockerfile
commit Create a new image from a container's changes
cp Copy files/folders from the containers filesystem to the host path
diff Inspect changes on a container's filesystem
events Get real time events from the server
export Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive
history Show the history of an image
images List images
import Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball
info Display system-wide information
insert Insert a file in an image
inspect Return low-level information on a container
kill Kill a running container
load Load an image from a tar archive
login Register or Login to the docker registry server
logs Fetch the logs of a container
port Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT
ps List containers
pull Pull an image or a repository from the docker registry server
push Push an image or a repository to the docker registry server
restart Restart a running container
rm Remove one or more containers
rmi Remove one or more images
run Run a command in a new container
save Save an image to a tar archive
search Search for an image in the docker index
start Start a stopped container
stop Stop a running container
tag Tag an image into a repository
top Lookup the running processes of a container
version Show the docker version information
wait Block until a container stops, then print its exit code
Dockerfiles are scripts containing commands declared successively which are to be executed, in the order given, by Docker to automatically create a new image.
These files always begin with the definition of a base image with the FROM
instruction. From there on, the build process starts and each following action forms the final image with commits (i.e. saving the image state).
Dockerfiles can be used with the build
# Build an image using the Dockerfile at current location
# Tag the final image with [name] (e.g. *wordpress_img*)
# Example: sudo docker build -t [name] .
sudo docker build -t wordpress_img .
Note: To learn more about Dockerfiles, check out the article: Docker Explained: Using Dockerfiles to Automate Building of Images.
Dockerfiles work by receiving the below instructions:
: Copy a file from the host into the container
: Set default commands to be executed, or passed to the ENTRYPOINT
: Set the default entrypoint application inside the container
: Set environment variable (e.g. key = value)
: Expose a port to outside
: Set the base image to use
: Set the author / owner data of the Dockerfile
: Run a command and commit the ending result (container) image
: Set the user to run the containers from the image
: Mount a directory from the host to the container
: Set the directory for the directives of CMD to be executed
For our tutorial, we will be using an out-of-the-box WordPress image called tutum/wordpress
. This wordpress image is created using Tutum’s Wordpress Image: In order to create containers from this image, we need to pull (download) it first.
Let’s pull the image:
docker pull tutum/wordpress
This command will download the underlying base images with all modified layers.
Once the image is ready, by issuing a single command we can create dockerised WordPress instances.
Run the following command to create a container that is reachable from the outside on a port you specify (e.g. 80
# Usage: docker run -p [Port Number]:80 tutum/wordpress
# Example:
docker run -p 80:80 tutum/wordpress
The above command will create a WordPress instance that will accept connections from the outside on the default HTTP port 80
Sometimes it might suit you the best to have containers reachable only locally. This can be useful if you decide to set up a load-balancer or another reverse-proxy to distribute connections across many WordPress instances.
Run the following command to create a locally accessible container.
# Allocate a port dynamically:
# Usage: docker run -p tutum/wordpress
# Example:
docker run -p tutum/wordpress
Once you execute the above command, Docker will create a container, provide you its ID and then dynamically allocate a port. You can figure out which port the container is using with the port
# Usage: docker port [container ID] [private port number]
# Example:
docker port 9af15d73fdf8a997 80
In this case, the output means that the container is accessible only on the localhost on port 49156
. You can use the address, provided in full, to redirect connections from a reverse-proxy.
If you would like to specify a port, just place it in-between the IP address and the private port used by the web server inside (e.g. 80
# Usage: docker run -p[local port]:80 tutum/wordpress
# Example:
docker run -p tutum/wordpress
This way, you will have a WordPress instance that is locally accessible at port 8081
Note: In order to run your container in the background, you also need to add the -d
flag after the run
docker run -d ..
Otherwise, you will be connected to the container where you will see the output from all the applications running.
In order to leave the container, as shown in the introduction article, you need to use the escape sequence CTRL+P immediately followed by CTRL+Q.
Using the docker ps
command, you can get the list of running containers to find your newly instantiated one’s ID.
Note: Using the -name [name]
arguments, you can tag a container with a name which should free you from dealing with complex container IDs:
docker run -d -name new_container_1 ..
In order to limit the amount of memory a docker container process can use, simply set the -m [memory amount]
flag with the limit.
To run a container with memory limited to 256 MBs:
# Example: docker run -name [name] -m [Memory (int)][memory unit (b, k, m or g)] -d (to run not to attach) -p (to set access and expose ports) [image ID]
docker run -m 64m -d -p 8082:80 tutum/wordpress
To confirm the memory limit, you can inspect the container:
# Example: docker inspect [container ID] | grep Memory
docker inspect 9a7562a361122706 | grep Memory
Note: The command above will grab the memory related information from the inspection output. To see all the relevant information regarding your container, opt for sudo docker inspect [container ID]
. Also, please note that your Linux kernel must support swap limit capabilities for actual limitation to work.
For the full set of instructions to install and use docker, check out the docker documentation at docker.io.
<div class=“author”>Submitted by: <a href=“https://twitter.com/ostezer”>O.S. Tezer</a></div>
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That’s a nice tutorial with some valuable hints, but contrary to it’s title it doesn’t explain how to run multiple WP applications.
I run several apps and map different domains to them. ATM I don’t use docker but keep them in different directories and have Nginx configured with multiple
clauses. I also use single MySQL instance for all of them.Now I’d like to move to Docker with each app in it’s own container. If I understand correctly each container would have it’s own MySQL instance. Is this efficient? Or should I run separate container with MySQL and have it available in my WP containers?
Also how would you address domain - apps mapping? Should I use Nginx as a reverse proxy or is there a better way?
Anyway thanks for your article.
Thanks for the tutorial. but when I read it I got the same questions in my mind as @tadeusz ask.
And, I need to run and manage 3 wordpress websites under its own 3 separate domains. So, which plan do I need to choose? I need to use email services too for each domain.
You need to set up nginx or Apache in front of everything as a reverse proxy. For instance, say you have two Wordpress dockers running. Set them to be available over localhost at two different ports:
<pre> docker run -p tutum/wordpress1 docker run -p tutum/wordpress2 </pre>
If you were using nginx, you’d then do something like:
<pre> server { listen 80;
server { listen 80;
} </pre>
How to properly address the storage persistency issue? By default Docker containers are ephemeral.
@shafqat: One solution people are using for that is data container volumes. Check out: http://docs.docker.io.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/use/working_with_volumes/
There is something that I still don’t get with docker and this tutorial
If I stop the container, commit the image and run the resulting image all my configurations are gone. Is this the expected behavior? If yes? How should I configure it to be persistent?
If I “docker run -i -t tutum/wordpress /bin/bash” and create some files, then I stop, commit and run the resulting image then the files are still there. I don’t get the difference between the two scenarios.
(Note: I had to change from aufs to devicemapper otherwise I got an error starting mysql, is this the problem?)
Any chance of an update to this tutorial?
There’s a simple Curl script to automate the first step on Ubuntu 14.04:
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ubuntu/ | sudo sh
I agree w/ other feedback. The title for this tutorial is completely misleading. Also I don’t think you’d necessarily want to setup multiple docker wordpress containers either. Wordpress has multi-site capabilities already built in. Seems like this article should be showing this setup in addition to what it’s already shown.
Thanks for the great tutorial. Btw, check out http://docker4wordpress.org, it’s a set of pre-configured containers you can use to spin up your local environment for wordpress development