The vim
text editor is a versatile and extremely powerful tool for manipulating plain text, managing system configuration files, and creating code. While the modal editing design focus and the elegant grammar of the editor itself is loved by its users, its interface and functionality sometimes lacks the niceties that some users would like.
Luckily, vim
also includes a plugin, or script, system which can be used to extend the editor in various ways. These are implemented as simple configuration files that are stored in subdirectories under the ~.vim
directory according to their function. As you add more plugins, these can get quite messy and it can be difficult to keep these plugins separate and to manage them effectively.
For this reason, quite a few plugin managers have been made for vim
to help make this task simpler. The plugin manager that we will be talking about in this guide, called vundle
, is incredibly useful for keeping all of these pieces in line.
We will be exploring how to use vundle
on an Ubuntu 12.04 VPS instance. However, most distributions should be able to use these instructions without much additional work.
Before we can start exploring how to use vundle
to manage vim plugins, we need to install all of the necessary components.
First, we need to update our local package index, and then we need to ensure that vim
is installed (that would be useful!) and that git
is available to acquire additional components:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vim git
Now that we have vim
and git
installed (you probably already had vim
installed if you are reading this article), we will take a momentary break before installing vundle
to talk about how plugins traditionally work and how vundle
works to manage them.
Traditionally, vim
is configured on a per-user basis in each user’s home directory, with fall-back defaults configured by the system administrator and finally the software itself. These personal settings are stored in a hidden file called ~/.vimrc
Plugins and additional configuration files that add functionality are conventionally added into a hidden directory at ~/.vim
. Inside, most plugins are organized into subdirectories based on the functionality that they provide. These could be things like autoload
, plugin
, colors
, etc.
So if you are using the builtin vim
plugin system, your home directory might look a bit like this:
ls -AR ~
.bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .profile .vim .vimrc
autoload bitmaps colors doc plugin syntax
plugin1.vim plugin2.vim
plugin1.txt plugin2.txt
The vundle
tool is actually built on a different plugin manager called pathogen
and provides a superset of functionality. The pathogen
manager simplifies plugin management by creating a separate plugin directory tree for each individual plugin.
This means that rather than having each plugin throw different files into different directories, mixing them with other plugins, each plugin will instead recreate the needed directory structure inside of a subdirectory specific to the plugin.
These are kept in a subdirectory called bundle
. Your directory structure instead would look something like this:
ls -AR ~
justin@vundle:~$ ls -AR ~
.bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .profile .vim .vimrc
autoload bundle
plugin1.vim plugin2.vim
plugin1 plugin2
autoload bitmaps doc plugin syntax
. . .
This creates a deeper nesting system, but it allows us to easily manage our plugins as a unit. If we don’t want to use “plugin1” anymore, we can just do something like this:
rm -rf ~/.vim/bundle/plugin1
This simplifies our management scheme greatly. This is basically what pathogen
What vundle
does is add a management interface inside of vim
itself that let’s you acquire more plugins, update plugins, etc. It adds the “management” portion on top of what some people would say is pathogen
’s organization improvements.
Now that you understand a little bit about how the underlying vundle
system works, we can get started.
First, if you have a current ~/.vimrc
file and a ~/.vim
directory, we are going to back them up and start fresh. This will help us minimize incompatibilities and potential issues:
if [ -e .vimrc ]; then mv .vimrc .vimrc_bak; fi
if [ -e .vim ]; then mv .vim .vim_bak; fi
Afterwards, we can clone the vundle
plugin directly from GitHub, which will recreate some of our ~/.vim
directory structure:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
Next, we’ll have to recreate our ~/.vimrc
file to tell vim
to use our new package management system.
vim ~/.vimrc
Inside, we need a few things to start us off. First, we need to make sure that vim
is not attempting to retain compatibility with vi
, its predecessor. This is a vundle
requirement. When vim
attempts to be compatible, it disables most of the features that make it worth using over vi
We also want to turn off the default “filetype” controls for now because the way that vim
caches filetype rules at runtime interferes with the way that vundle
alters the runtime environment. We will change this back later:
set nocompatible
filetype off
Next, we’ll need to then adjust vim
’s runtime path to include the vundle
location we cloned from GitHub. After that, we will call the vundle
initialization function:
<pre> set nocompatible filetype off <span class=“highlight”>set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/</span> <span class=“highlight”>call vundle#rc()</span> </pre>
Now, our vundle
system is initialized and we can add in the plugins that we wish to manage. While vundle
can manage local plugins, one of its strengths is the ability to tie local versions to online versions, which allows you to auto update, etc.
We can do this by pointing to GitHub repositories, vim scripts, other remote git
repositories, and local git
First of all, we must manage the vundle
package itself with vundle
. Then we can add whatever additional plugins we’d like:
<pre> set nocompatible filetype off set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ call vundle#rc()
" This is the Vundle package, which can be found on GitHub. " For GitHub repos, you specify plugins using the " ‘user/repository’ format <span class=“highlight”>Plugin ‘gmarik/vundle’</span>
" We could also add repositories with a “.git” extension <span class=“highlight”>Plugin ‘scrooloose/nerdtree.git’</span>
" To get plugins from Vim Scripts, you can reference the plugin " by name as it appears on the site <span class=“highlight”>Plugin ‘Buffergator’</span>
" Now we can turn our filetype functionality back on filetype plugin indent on </pre>
Notice how at the end, we re-establish the “filetype” functionality that we previously turned on. All plugins must be declared between the call vundle#rc()
line and the filetype plugin indent on
After this section of our ~/.vimrc
, we can add any additional vim
settings that we need.
When you are finished, save and close the file ( “:wq” or “ZZ”).
Now, we just need to tell vundle
to install all of the plugins that we added to the file. Start vim
Now, issue the :PluginInstall
This will open a new split window in vim
and run through the installation of each of the new plugins. When it is complete, you can close the new buffer and window by typing:
The plugins that you added to your ~/.vimrc
file are now installed!
If you wish to update your plugins, you can use one of these two commands:
The “!” at the end of the :PluginInstall!
command basically tells vundle
to reinstall all of the plugins (it checks if any action is needed), which will get the newest versions.
After an update, you can see what plugins were actually affected by typing “u” in the vundle
plugin window. If you want to see a full log of the operations that took place during either an update or an installation, type “l” to view the complete log.
Now that you’ve gotten the hang of how to install plugins, let’s go over some other functionality that can help you get more out of vundle
One of the most useful functions of vundle
is the ability to find and install more plugins.
We can list every plugin that vundle
can find on the Vim Scripts site by typing:
The “!” at the end of the command refreshes the local list from the Vim Scripts site.
If we want to search for a specific plugin, we can use this same syntax like this:
<pre> :PluginSearch! <span class=“highlight”>plugin_query</span> </pre>
This will open a new window with the results of our query. If you’ve recently refreshed the local database, you can leave off the “!” from the command. So if you search for “markdown”, you may get something like this:
PluginSearch markdown
"Keymap: i - Install plugin; c - Cleanup; s - Search; R - Reload list
"Search results for: markdown
Plugin 'instant-markdown.vim'
Plugin 'MarkdownFootnotes'
Plugin 'Markdown'
Plugin 'Markdown-syntax'
As you can see on the top, you can easily install any of the plugins by moving to the line with the plugin and typing “i”.
This will download and install the plugin, but it will not update your ~/.vimrc
to make it autoload correctly.
So, to install the “MarkdownFootnotes” plugin, we would move our cursor to that line press ‘i’:
<pre> "Keymap: i - Install plugin; c - Cleanup; s - Search; R - Reload list "Search results for: markdown Plugin ‘instant-markdown.vim’ <span class=“highlight”>Plugin ‘MarkdownFootnotes’</span> # move here and press “i” Plugin ‘Markdown’ Plugin ‘Markdown-syntax’ </pre>
You can delete the vundle
buffer when the installation is complete:
Afterwards, edit your ~/.vimrc
by typing:
:e ~/.vimrc
Add the new plugin line:
<pre> set nocompatible filetype off set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ call vundle#rc()
Plugin ‘gmarik/vundle’
Plugin ‘scrooloose/nerdtree.git’
Plugin ‘Buffergator’
<span class=“highlight”>Plugin ‘MarkdownFootnotes’</span>
filetype plugin indent on </pre>
You can save and close the file at this point.
Once you have some plugins installed, you can manage them with vundle
To see all of your installed plugins, type this:
" My Plugins
Plugin 'gmarik/vundle'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree.git'
Plugin 'Buffergator'
Plugin 'MarkdownFootnotes'
If you need to remove a plugin, this needs to be accomplished in two steps.
You can delete the plugin files by listing them, and then hitting the “D” key when your cursor is on the plugin you wish to delete. So to delete our “MarkdownFootnotes” plugin, we can select it and hit “D”:
<pre> " My Plugins Plugin ‘gmarik/vundle’ Plugin ‘scrooloose/nerdtree.git’ Plugin ‘Buffergator’ <span class=“highlight”>Plugin ‘MarkdownFootnotes’</span> # Press “D” when selected </pre>
At this point, vundle
still has this plugin in its configuration, but the plugin’s files are not installed. You could reinstall the files again by typing:
We won’t do this though. Instead, we will remove the entry from our ~/.vimrc
:e ~/.vimrc
set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
Plugin 'gmarik/vundle'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree.git'
Plugin 'Buffergator'
filetype plugin indent on
This will complete the removal of the plugin from your system.
An easier way of doing this though is to remove it from the ~/.vimrc
file first.
After you’ve removed it, you can call this command, which deletes any plugins that are not in your ~/.vimrc
file automatically (it will ask you to confirm):
" Removing Plugins:
Plugin 'MarkdownFootnotes'
. . .
Continue? [Y/n]:
You can type “Y” to remove all unreferenced plugins.
By this point, you should be able to easily manage your plugins through the vundle
interface. The advantages of having a good plugin manager for vim
may not be apparent at first glance, especially if you do not use many plugins.
However, one of the greatest benefits that this gives you is the ability to easily experiment with new plugins. When the process is clean and simple, you are more likely to explore different plugins and try to integrate functionality when otherwise you would maybe suck it up and do things in a more complicated fashion.
<div class=“author”>By Justin Ellingwood</div>
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Hi. You use ‘Plugin’ where vundle creator gmarik uses ‘Bundle’. I have seen one comment on (I think it was) vundle github that suggest ‘Plugin’ should be substituted for ‘Bundle’. Many .vimrc seem to use them interchangably.
Do you have a reason for the switch? Should I trust my hazy memory (as I can’t find the reference again)? Obviously your preference is ‘Plugin’ but why?
I think you’ve actually got it reversed. Recently, the creator has moved away from the “Bundle” commands towards the new “Plugin” names. The “Bundle” commands will continue to work for the time being, but they have become deprecated and will not receive additional updates.
You can learn more about this in the Vundle documentation here:
Thanks jellingwood. I had found an old document to base my config off and consequently confused. :/
Thanks again.
I am a newbie. When I try to install the plugin by giving PluginInstall in vim I get an error “E117: Unknown function: vundle#installer#new” . Any ideas ??
For the section
Install and Update Plugins with Vundle
sudo vim
if you are non-root user. Otherwise:PluginInstall
will throw:Done! With errors; press l to view log