What web analytics package do you recommend as an alternative to Google Analytics? I see there is a tutorial on piwik, but it is 4 years old and out of date. Specifically, I need something that will work with nginx on Ubuntu (my site is running Node). Any chance you’d create a tutorial?
What do you use to track web traffic on your site?
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Awesome, you’re 90% there already :-).
Essentially, what we’d do is create a similar server block and modify it to work with PHP-FPM. I’ll use
in this example, but you’re free to modify it.First thing you want to do is install your PHP packages. Since you’re using Ubuntu, that can be done using
.I generally install most all available packages, so the initial install command would be:
That’ll handle pretty much everything, including what’s required by PiWik.
With PHP-FPM installed, now we need to focus on the server block itself. Since we should be using SSL, I’ll be setting up a near identical server block as what you’re already using and modifying it for PHP.
I recommend wiping
and adding the configuration below. To do that, we can run:Then:
Now copy and paste the following to that file:
Now you’d create a MySQL database and user for PiWik and extract the PiWik files to the directory you’ve defined. I used
but you could use anything.Once the files are uploaded, you need to set their ownership to
. To do that, we can run:That’ll only change permissions on
and all files and directories within it, it’ll leave/var/www/html
alone (which is what we want).Now, once you’ve setup an SSL certificate for the sub-domain and created the proper A and CNAME entries to make sure it points to your installation, all you need to do is restart NGINX and load the sub-domain to get the installer started.
If you run in to any errors, check the error log:
You can post any errors as a reply and I’ll do my best to help you troubleshoot them.
That said, I would recommend changing your second server block and swapping:
so that it matches your first block. That’ll work for NGINX when there’s only one server block, but it can potentially cause issues when you start adding multiple domains, sub-domains, etc.
Always make sure your Port 80 server blocks match your Port 443 server blocks. It’ll save you a ton of troubleshooting down the road.
You may want to check Countly, which is installable on-premises and available as a hosted platform. You have two options to deploy:
You can use Countly to track both web pages and mobile apps, as well as desktop apps.
If you want something that’s fairly simple to use, but offers advanced functionality, I’d go with PiWik. As far as how you’d install it, on NGINX, you’d start with the basics. I’d recommend taking a look at the following guide to get a feel for how to setup a LEMP stack (NGINX, PHP, MySQL):
From there, additional setup really depends on whether you want to install PiWik to a sub-domain or sub-directory, or even a different domain.