In App Platform, I want to run a job after building and pushing a Dockerfile. Is it possible to stop the release flow if this job fails?
For example, I want to run a migration after the application is built, but if the migration fails, I don’t want to release it to production.
In POST_DEPLOY, it seems that the release is finished regardless of the migration result.
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Hi there,
In DigitalOcean App Platform, the
phase runs after the release is already deployed, so a failed job there won’t block the release. To stop the release flow if a job fails (like a migration), you can move the migration step to thePRE_DEPLOY
phase instead.The jobs in
run before the app is released—if the migration fails, the deployment should in theory stop and won’t reach production.For detailed information on configuring deployment phases in DigitalOcean App Platform, refer to the App Specification Reference.
- Bobby