I’ve followed the instructions to install Rocket Chat: https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/rocket-chat
It worked fine while I was trying to connect directly via the IP.
Then I’ve set up a subdomain and generated an SSL certificate with the command:
rocketchatctl configure --lets-encrypt --root-url=https://chat.yourcompany.com --letsencrypt-email=admin@yourcompany.com
But now it doesn’t work anymore, and the page only displays “Bad Gateway”.
I think I’ve done things correctly with the subdomain: an A record and NTS records sending to DigitalOcean.
I have no idea what could be wrong, I’m new to Rocket Chat and DigitalOcean.
Any help is welcome, thanks!
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Hi @leodavesne,
I’ve tried setting up a new Rocket Chat Droplet from the Marketplace and I ran the
command to issue an SSL certificate for my domain. This all worked as expected.Have you tried checking the status of your Rocket Chat service to see if it is up and running:
If it is not running try to start it:
Let me know how it goes! Regards, Bobby
sudo systemctl status rocketchat.service
returnsI solved the issue by reinstalling nginx.
First check if nginx is present;
sudo ufw app list
If it’s not listed then install;
This worked for me. I don’t know what brought up the error though.