
Build/deploy hanging forever

My digital ocean deployment is hanging forever here. Why is this happening and how do I fix it?:

ng wheel for psycopg2 ( finished with status 'done'
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:05] │          Created wheel for psycopg2: filename=psycopg2-2.9.9-cp312-cp312-linux_x86_64.whl size=161371 sha256=4b55ee34517f15906f18badb9b12b015ed4857133a48bc0ff22f27124dcfec8c
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:05] │          Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-3jaydyvk/wheels/ff/ac/80/7ccec163e3d05ae2112311b895132409b9abfd7e0c1c6b5183
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:05] │        Successfully built django-crontab psycopg2
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:05] │        Installing collected packages: whitenoise, urllib3, tzdata, typing-extensions, tqdm, sqlparse, psycopg2, multidict, idna, gunicorn, frozenlist, charset-normalizer, certifi, attrs, asgiref, yarl, requests, Django, aiosignal, stripe, django-crontab, dj-database-url, aiohttp, openai
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:08] │        Successfully installed Django-4.0.4 aiohttp-3.9.5 aiosignal-1.3.1 asgiref-3.5.2 attrs-23.2.0 certifi-2022.5.18.1 charset-normalizer-2.0.12 dj-database-url-2.1.0 django-crontab-0.7.1 frozenlist-1.4.1 gunicorn-20.1.0 idna-3.3 multidict-6.0.5 openai-0.28.1 psycopg2-2.9.9 requests-2.27.1 sqlparse-0.4.2 stripe-3.2.0 tqdm-4.66.4 typing-extensions-4.11.0 tzdata-2022.1 urllib3-1.26.9 whitenoise-6.1.0 yarl-1.9.4
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:08] │ -----> $ python collectstatic --noinput
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:09] │        147 static files copied to '/workspace/staticfiles', 19 unmodified.
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:09] │ 
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:09] │ Running custom build command: gunicorn --worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm core.wsgi
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:10] │ [2024-05-03 05:58:09 +0000] [1513] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:10] │ [2024-05-03 05:58:09 +0000] [1513] [INFO] Listening at: (1513)
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:10] │ [2024-05-03 05:58:09 +0000] [1513] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:10] │ [2024-05-03 05:58:09 +0000] [1514] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 1514

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
May 6, 2024

Hi there,

It looks like that you have a custom build command:

[service] [2024-05-03 05:58:09] │ Running custom build command: gunicorn --worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm core.wsgi

You should not have any gunicorn run commands in the build stage. The build stage is only for installing dependencies.

The gunicorn run command should be in the deploy stage instead. This is when your app is get deployed and needs to be run.

Let me know how it goes once you remove that command from the build stage!



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