Please could someone help me with my issue? My new website does not appear to be available, I have followed the one click wordpress installation on a droplet, and when it comes to set the admin password I follow the link and I get nothing. the IP address is the domain name is, and the nameservers are with cloudflare (moved from GoDaddy where I recently aquired the domain). I have tried clearing all local cache and purged DNS cache. my DNS ‘A’ record for points to, and I have verified this on which is a propogation checker. I have successfully got HTTPS certificates for, and from letsencrypt via ssh into the droplet, and installed WP. Thanks in advance.
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Hey @10002be05ea84cdbb9aa686305b637,
When I open your website, I get
the page redirected you too many times.
. The “redirected you too many times” error in WordPress is usually caused by a misconfiguration in your site’s settings or plugins.If this is a new Installation and you did not add any new Plugins then it’s about misconfiguration of the site’s settings.
Install WP-CLI
Open your terminal or command prompt.
Install PHP on your system if it’s not already installed. You can verify if PHP is installed by running the following command:
directory by running the following command:This will allow you to run the
command from any directory on your system.This command will output the version of wp-cli that you have installed, as well as other system information.
Use WP-CLI to change your siteurl
This will prompt you to enter your WordPress username and password.
This command will output the current site URL, including the protocol (http or https).
with your site’s domain name.Hello @10002be05ea84cdbb9aa686305b637
The site is loading fine at the moment are you still experiencing the issue mentioned above?
If you have an issue to reset your admin password you can follow this article: