I’ve installed phpmyadmin following the tutorial. WordPress was already installed. I’m able to access phpmyadmin, and it works fine. Although i’m unable to see the wordpress db there. What am i doing wrong?
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Hi @cpinho
Are you connecting with the same user as WordPress or
, when you connect via phpMyAdmin? Which tutorial have you followed to install phpMyAdmin - link please? And did you use the One-Click App to setup the droplet with WordPress already installed?With your first question, i got it!!! eheheh
If i use the wordpress config file db user name and pwd, i was able to enter in phpmyadmin!!!
This was funny.
Sorry for my happiness but i’m not a developer or system guy. Just a n00b!!!
Hi @hansen
Thank you for getting back to me.
I’m using root
I’ve followed this tutorial
I really can recall if i’ve done the one click install for this droplet, as it was months ago.