can’t install python
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Hey there!
I usually follow the steps here:
What is the OS that you are using? To install Python, it depends a bit on your operating system, but here’s a quick guide for Ubuntu/Debian-based systems:
First, make sure your system is up-to-date:
Now, install Python (usually, the latest stable version is Python 3):
You can also install
(Python’s package manager) if you need it:Make sure everything is installed correctly:
This should print the installed versions of Python and pip. If you’re on a different operating system or need more help, just let me know! 😊
- Bobby
Heya, @24fc70908cbc42558a1ed579e9d3fe
You can check our tutorial here on how to install python on your server. Depending from the droplet’s OS you can change the article to corespond to the correct OS as well
Hope that this helps!
If you’re unable to install Python, it could be due to various issues depending on your operating system and environment. Here’s a troubleshooting guide:
For Linux/Ubuntu
Replace 3.11 with the version you need`