
Digital Ocean Removed from The Green Hosting Directory.

When we initially joined Digital Ocean, it was confirmed that the LON1 and AMS3 Equinix data centres ran off renewable energy. This was also outlined in the directory by the Green Web Foundation.

Although, it seems that Digital Ocean haven’t submitted their latest ESG credentials causing them to be removed and being listed has using “Fossil Fuel Energy” across their whole infrastructure.

Is there plans to re-submit information to get this corrected? As a sustainable website development agency, we can’t be using data centres that run off fossil fuel based energy as it goes against our own ESG practises. I assume this is the case for many others, as every other provided has submitted their information, it seems Digital Ocean is the only provider that hasn’t.

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
October 2, 2024

Hey @matthewwheelermantaray,

I don’t think that there is any publicly announced information about this.

What you could do in this case is to reach out to the DigitalOcean support team who might be able to provide you with that information or give you more details:

Hope that helps!

- Bobby.

Thanks for asking this question, Matthew.

This is also really important to us. I will contact DO Support directly and ask again if they plan to re-submit their latest ESG credentials.

Best wishes, Malcolm

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