Hi, I can’t find my newly created question, so I post it here again.
I created an API token in the control pannel, got a token name such as “my_token” and a long token string like “dfadfsadfeteryterrtyeryery”.
Follow the documentation “https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#get-user-information”, I try to excute command like below: curl -X GET -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “Authorization: my_token dfadfsadfeteryterrtyeryery” “https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/account”
But, no expect result, it report: {“id”: “unauthorized”, “message”: “Unable to authenticate you.” }
What’s wrong with me?
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Hi there @dashingmeng,
In the Authorization header, you should be using
Bearer <token_secret>
- your token name doesn’t need to be used.Using the example token you have given, the command would be as follows:
Hope that helps! - Matt.