I need one win server option for my account - I have license and Key of my own
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Hi there,
DigitalOcean does not allow uploading or using Windows images on Droplets at this time. This is due to licensing requirements and constraints imposed by Microsoft on infrastructure providers such as DigitalOcean. This includes using Windows images with your personal license. As a result, DigitalOcean is not able to provide any support or guidance for users attempting to upload or utilize the Windows OS on DigitalOcean.
Additionally, our system is built for open source software and we encourage you to consider using open source software for your projects.
But I would recommend just sticking to Linux anyway! You can find a complete list of all supported distributions here:
Hope that this helps!
- Bobby
Officially, DigitalOcean do not provide Windows machines.
There is a way for you to manually upload it and run Windows on your Droplet however it will not be supported by the support in case of an issue. As such, I’ll recommend you to try and use a Linux machine if you can.