I had a domain.com which doesn’t work but when I use domain.com/wp-admin it continues to login page in which I can able to login into wordpress.
What I needed to do is when I go to domain.com I should be able to go to home page but currently it displays the following:
This site can’t be reached www.domain.com’s server IP address could not be found.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
I use godaddy for my domain/
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Hello, @khollis
I believe you may have experienced a temporary issue related with the DNS propagation. If you’ve recently updated any of your DNS records than this will be the reason why the home page was inaccessible for you.
Keep in mind that DNS changes might take up to 48 hours in order to fully update. This is because of DNS cache from the ISPs and sometimes the DNS propagation might take some extra time to kick in. However this usually happens a lot faster.
Looking at this your home page is loading fine at the moment. Can you please confirm that everything is working as expected at the moment?
Regards, Alex