When a droplet specifies pricing as $32 / mo | $.048 / hour, does this mean that $32 is the cap, or the base price?
In other words is $32 the max price, or does pricing start at $32 + $.048 cents per hour after that?
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The $32/mo will be the max price for the Droplet if you had the Droplet running for the whole month.
If you only had the Droplet for 1 hour, you would then only pay $.048 / hour.
Here is a snippet from the docs that covers this:
You can check out this pricing calculator here for more information if you wish:
Hope that this helps!
- Bobby
Heya, @davidmays
$32 will be the max amount if the droplet is online during the whole month. All Droplets are billed hourly up to a monthly cap of 672 hours (the number of hours in 4 weeks).
Hope that this helps!
As explained it will be the max price which you’ll pay for the Droplet.
Now, I’ll recommend to check out the pricing calculator -
It has saved me time more than a couple of times.