When I try to UpSize Droplets, it gives such a warning! Can I upsize the Droplet from this state?
Note: Because your Droplet’s filesystem will be expanded, this resize is not reversible.
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Hello there!
When you see the message “Because your Droplet’s filesystem will be expanded, this resize is not reversible,” it’s just a reminder that once you increase the size of your Droplet’s disk (for example, moving to a larger plan), you won’t be able to shrink it back to a smaller size later on. This is because the filesystem has to grow to fit the new, larger disk space — and unfortunately, it can’t shrink back down.
Yes, you can definitely go ahead and upsize the Droplet if that’s what you need! Upsizing is a one-way process, but it’s fully supported. You’ll have extra space and resources on your Droplet afterward, which can be really helpful if your applications need more CPU, memory, or disk space.
If you’re sure you’ll need more resources, hit that resize button! Just remember, it’s not reversible, so plan ahead if you think you might need to resize again in the future.
If you don’t need the extra disk space, and only need some extra resources like CPU and RAM, than you can also do that instead:
Let me know if you have any more questions — always happy to help!
- Bobby
That’s a warning message you get when you try to upsize. It means that you can’t go back to your previous disk space. Other than that, there is nothing to worry about!
Yes, you can upsize the Droplet even with this warning. When you upsize a Droplet, DigitalOcean will automatically increase the disk space, and this expansion will be permanent. This process modifies the filesystem to accommodate the larger disk size, which is why it’s marked as “not reversible.” You won’t be able to shrink the disk size later.
Hope that this helps!