I have a function where the build script clones a Git repo which has an executable in it. If I chmod +x
the file in the build script I can run it like ./foo
in the build script and it runs fine there. However, when I invoke my function which has a bash script that runs ./foo
I get “Permission denied” unless I explicitly run chmod +x
on the executable every time the function is invoked.
My runtime is Python and my code just calls the bash script like so: os.system('bash ./run.sh')
I’m at a loss. Any ideas? I don’t want to have to chmod +x
every time the function is invoked.
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I’m still looking for help with this if anybody has any clues.
Hi there,
I’ve seen a similar issue here:
The solution was to add executable permissions, but by using the following
command to make the change:After that push your change as normal to your GitHub repository.
Let me know how it goes!
- Bobby