Hi, I recently deployed an application through the App Platform with a custom domain. I manage my domain through Digital Ocean. I can access the domain directly without any issues, but when I try to access the CNAME, I get an SSL error in the browser. The following is the error I am getting,
# This site can’t provide a secure connection
**www.joshyjoy.com** uses an unsupported protocol.
I created the cname as follows
CNAME www.joshyjoy.com portfolio-ui-vdk7u.ondigitalocean.app. 3600
Even after 1-2 hour, I am facing the same issue.
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Hey 👋
This is quite interesting. Before creating the CNAME record, did you also add the domain name to your App Platform as described here:
Let me know how it goes after adding the domain to the App Platform, and what the domain status is after it has been added.
- Bobby
The issue is still exist after 24h