When I first created the mail server everything worked fine and mail landed in the inboxes of Gmail accounts.
Now all of the sudden it keeps landing in Spam boxes. I even added SPF records and an Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. I found myself blacklisted while only 30 mails have been send as test to myself. I was blacklisted by ivmSIP/24. After requesting removal yesterday, this morning I confirmed they removed me from their blacklist.
What is going and how do I trouble shoot beyond the things I have done?
My mail server scores better then my work mail server which doesn’t land in the spambox.
Results from http://isnotspam.com
Results from MXtoolbox mail server test:
SMTP Reverse DNS Mismatch OK - resolves to mail.myserver.io SMTP Valid Hostname OK - Reverse DNS is a valid Hostname SMTP Banner Check OK - Reverse DNS matches SMTP Banner SMTP TLS OK - Supports TLS. SMTP Connection Time 1.125 seconds - Good on Connection time SMTP Open Relay OK - Not an open relay. SMTP Transaction Time 3.641 seconds - Good on Transaction Time
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You share an IP range with 250 other droplets, this will keep happening. Use something like Mailgun.
Consider using something like Mailgun.