I’ve successfully migrated to Digital Ocean from Cloudways (was utilizing DO as well).
However, except the homepage every other page shows 404 error. (reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5182534/wordpress-is-giving-me-404-page-not-found-for-all-pages-except-the-homepage)
I’ve looked online and found a couple of solutions:
<Directory> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory>
where AllowOverride should be set to All…
I’ve checked that as well - both vHost file for the domain and the apache2.conf file contains that piece of code.
Am I missing something else? Is there any other way to resolve the error?
Additional Info: When I change my site permalinks to default i.e domain.com/?123 (the defaul URL structure of WordPress) - it works fine. That means, the site has been restored perfectly.
P.S: Installed WordPress manually for this domain and I have virtual hosts configured in a 1-click WordPress ubuntu 18.04 droplet.
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Got a response from the official DO support:
Replaced my original .htacess content (generated by WordPress) with this and it worked.
Thanks. it worked for me.
Just came across this question and wanted to mention one more thing to what has already been said. You would also need to make sure that you have Mod Rewrite enabled in order for the
rules to work:After enabling the module, run an Apache config test:
And if you get
Syntax OK
then make sure to restart Apache:Regards, Bobby