
How do I access the vps file?

How do I access the vps file?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
March 7, 2024

Hey there,

Accessing files on your VPS/Droplet is a common task, and you can do this efficiently using SFTP with a client like FileZilla or through SSH. Both methods are secure and widely used. Here’s how you can access your VPS files using these methods:

Using SFTP with FileZilla:

  1. Install FileZilla: If you haven’t already, download and install FileZilla from their website.

  2. Gather VPS Credentials: You’ll need your VPS’s IP address, your username (usually ‘root’ or another user you’ve set up), and your password or SSH key.

  3. Connect via FileZilla:

    • Open FileZilla and go to File > Site Manager.
    • Click on “New Site” and name it (e.g., My VPS).
    • In the ‘Host’ field, enter your VPS’s IP address.
    • Set ‘Port’ to 22 (the default for SFTP).
    • For ‘Protocol’, select ‘SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol’.
    • In ‘Logon Type’, choose ‘Ask for password’ (for password-based authentication) or ‘Key file’ (for SSH key-based authentication).
    • Enter your username in the ‘User’ field.
    • If you’re using a key file, browse and select your private key under ‘Key file’.
    • Click ‘Connect’, and if prompted, accept the host key and enter your password.

Using SSH:

If you’re comfortable with the command line, SSH is a powerful tool to access and manage your VPS files.

  1. Open Terminal: On Linux or macOS, open the Terminal. On Windows, you can use PuTTY or Windows Subsystem for Linux.

  2. SSH Command: Connect to your VPS using the following command:

    ssh username@your-vps-ip

    Replace username with your VPS username and your-vps-ip with your VPS’s IP address.

  3. Navigating and Managing Files: Once connected, you can use commands like ls, cd, nano, vim, etc., to navigate and edit your files.

  4. Transferring Files: For transferring files, you can use scp or rsync. For example, to copy a file from your local machine to the VPS:

    scp /path/to/local/file username@your-vps-ip:/path/to/remote/directory

Remember, handling files on your VPS requires caution, especially when logged in as a root user, as you have the power to modify or delete any file on the system.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.



Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
March 8, 2024

Heya @semraozcetin,

There a couple of ways to access your VPS. Three of the most common ones are,

  • Using a command line interface or PuTTY to SSH to your Droplet and manage the files there
  • using FileZilla
  • Using the DigitalOcean Web Console.

Here are articles that can help you depending on the choice you make

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

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