How can I find out the location of my hosting. Because it was set up by the administrator. Can anyone share the link if there is a possibility.
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Which datacenter are you in? Under your droplet name you should see a line like “1 GB Memory / 30 GB Disk / NYC1 - Debian 8.8 x64”
the NYC1 (or SFO2, or TOR1, etc) indicated which data center the droplet is in. That should also tell you which country.
Use the ip address of your droplet to locate where it is
geoiplookup <ip_address>
Hope this helps.
It’s not always clear what these identifiers like mentioned “NYC1” mean. I have for example “AMS3”. I think there should be added explicit information about this in the panel. If I had many droplets spread across multiple locations, I’d like to be able to search by location. To be honest I am very surprised that even information is not there - Amazon EC2 console has it way clearer, so something to improve for #digitalocean