I have only just started using Digital Ocean. I have installed npm. I want to install React.
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Hey @tinnis,
There are two ways to go about this, the first one would be using the Droplet you have and the second one going for the DigitalOcean App platform.
In case you choose the DigitalOcean App platform, you can follow this tutorial:
In case you choose the Droplet, you can follow these steps:
To install React in your Digital Ocean droplet, follow these steps. This assumes you’re using Ubuntu and that you already have npm (Node.js Package Manager) installed.
Use SSH to log into your Digital Ocean droplet:
Replace “your_droplet_ip” with the IP address of your droplet.
Before installing any new software, it’s generally a good idea to make sure your Ubuntu system is up to date. You can do this with the following commands:
Create React App is a comfortable environment for learning React, and is the best way to start building a new single-page application in React. It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features, provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production.
You can install it globally using the following command:
Once you have create-react-app installed, you can use it to create a new React application with the following command:
Replace “my-app” with the name of your application.
To start your React application, navigate into the application directory and start the server:
Your React application should now be running. You can access it by opening a web browser and navigating to
. Replace “your_droplet_ip” with the IP address of your droplet.The above steps will run your application in development mode. If you’re ready to create a production build, use the following command in your application directory:
This will create a
directory in your application directory with a production-ready version of your application.Please note that you’ll want to set up a proper web server like Nginx to serve your production React application, as the built-in server is not suitable for production.
Remember to open up the necessary port (3000 by default) on your server if you have a firewall running.
If you run into any issues or have additional questions, feel free to ask!
I have installed React. When I try and create an app, I get this message:
Thank you I will try this.❤️