I have a site up and I’d like to add a subdomain to it which points to my school on Teachable. Am I required to configure a new server block specifically for the subdomain like I would if I was hosting another application on the same droplet? According to the resources via Teachable, all it looks like I am required to do is add a CNAME that points to my teachable URL via Digital Ocean DNS. Then just add my domain learning.example.com in Teachable. So far when navigating to learning.example.com, I see the Nginx message saying I need configuration. I am not sure if there’s more that I need to do at this point.
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Hello, @ngati016
You can double check with Teachable’s support team if anything else is needed in order to start using their services. However the process usually involves what you’ve already done, creating a CNAME record and point it to Teachable.
Keep in mind that DNS changes might take up to 48 hours in order to fully update due to ISP cache. You can check the DNS propagation using any website like: https://www.whatsmydns.net
You can check if the DNS has propagated and if that is the case you can also make sure it’s pointed to the correct IP/domain name.
You can also check if you do not have some sort of a wildcard DNS record (that will match requests for non-existent domain names, e.g that will make DNS checks for random subdomains like hksafgajhs142.domain.com return actual data) added for your domain name in the DNS control panel.
Regards, Alex