Hello, Guys. I’m stuck in little problem. I have a Droplet which is connected to ServerPilot. I use WordPress on that Droplet, my question how to attach a Block Storage when I’m connected to ServerPilot?
I read this Tutorial, But I think something different in ServerPilot. So, I asked them & they told me I have to mount the Block Storage in /srv you can check the full ScreenShot Here.
I don’t have a single knowledge in Linux, that is why I use DigitalOcean & ServerPilot for easy maintenance.
Did any of guys happen to using Block Storage when you’re using ServerPilot? Could you help me by giving me step by step tutorial? Remember, I use only WordPress, so I wants to mount or attach the Block Storage in such way, that I won’t have any issue while uploading Images or Attachments in my WordPress Library.
Thank you.
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Once you deploy a new Droplet with a Volume, first click on the name of the Droplet and then, from the left side menu, click on Volumes.
You’ll then want to click on More, then Config instructions. A pop up will be presented with the configuration commands that you need to run in order to mount the volume persistently.
Those commands will be something like:
Which, broken down in to multiple commands, looks like:
Since ServerPilot is recommending that you mount to
, you’ll need to modify those commands and remove themkdir
commands, as they aren’t needed.Keep in mind, this is an example. You’re volume may be named different, so you need to replace the name of the volume in this example with the name of the volume that’s created for you.
So what we’d end up with us a set of commands like this:
Formate and Prepare the Volume
Mount the Volume to /srv
Create the /etc/fstab Entry for Persistence
The part in the commands above that you will probably need to replace is
Once the above commands are ran, you’ll all done and can then connect the new Droplet to SP.
Thank you @Dibbyo457
I just run this command and i lost my all data from /srv/ folder
sudo mount -o discard,defaults /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc1-01 /srv
I just use my volume and run this cmd and create lost+found folder in /srv folder
Please help me to get all data back.