Hi all,
I’m almost done with building a small website using Laravel. I’m now working on the SEO side of things and I want to be able to automatically generate the sitemap.xml file on let’s say daily basis.
Has anyone done this before and is there a package that you could suggest? Or is it better for me to create the logic myself?
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I usually use the following package for all of my sites to generate the
file automatically:https://github.com/spatie/laravel-sitemap
The setup goes something like this:
If you would like to change the default options, you could publish the config by using the following command:
This will copy the config to
where you would be able to change it depending on your needs.To generate a sitemap for your website with all of the found links, you can use the following:
To automate the process what you could do is create an artisan command and then add it to your scheduler.
To do that just run the following:
And then update the content of the
file accordingly. I would usually use something like this:Then to generate your sitemap just run:
To schedule this to run on daily basis just add the following to your
file:That is pretty much it, then your sitemap.xml should be available at
.For more information I would recommend going through the official repo here:
Hope that this helps! Regards, Bobby
Thank you for the above. Very helpful. Wondering if anyone would have a good tutorial on setting up the cron to reference the kernel to run this.
Thank you
Many thanks for your swift response. I believe, at least in my case, the line that is in the crontab has another folder, html, to get to my domain folder. ***** cd /var/www/html/app_folder && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Thank you David