I’m using laravel 5.7 with phpredis (PHP 7.2), but I’m not able to get it to work with tls, I am trying to use it with digitalocean Redis managed database which only supports tls connections.
Any idea if tls even supported with laravel/phpredis?
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So I managed to get this to work, basically the current phpredis version that is shipped with php 7.2 (Ubuntu 18) is old and does not support tls, to fix this I had to update phpredis from pecl (https://pecl.php.net/package/redis)
I’ve created a step by step guide on how to do that along with a short video demo for anyone who is experiencing the same issue:
Hope that this helps! Regards, Bobby
Error while reading line from the server. [tls://private-XXX-do-user-XXX-0.b.db.ondigitalocean.com:25061]
DigitalOcean Managed Redis is not compatible with Predis.
Remove Predis and use phpredis. Phpredis is an extension for PHP.
from yourcomposer.json
and add this line (good practice):.env