how do i copy the host records from my hosting control panel digital ocean and to add them to the Advanced DNS tab in my namecheap account
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I don’t think there is a function to copy them automatically over. You can just go to your DigitalOcean control Panel, see them and manually re-create them in your Namecheap account.
Hey 👋
Copying host records from your DigitalOcean control panel to your Namecheap account is straightforward but not automated. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you out:
1. Accessing Your Host Records on DigitalOcean
2. Copying Your DNS Records
3. Adding Records to Namecheap
Repeat this process for each record you need to transfer.
4. Save Your Changes
After adding all the records, make sure to save your changes in Namecheap.
With that your DNS records should now be successfully copied from DigitalOcean to Namecheap. Allow some time for DNS propagation, and you should be all set.
Note that until you change your nameservers to the Namecheap ones, the DNS zone under Namecheap will not have any effect.
If you run into any issues, feel free to ask!
- Bobby