I want to put the static pictures on the website into spacing and enable CDN acceleration, and use the URL of the CDN endpoint to access the pictures in the code. How can I limit the traffic of the CDN and the number of visits within a certain period of time when the website is accessed or even attacked on a large scale?
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Hello @joejo
To limit traffic and requests for your static assets, you can use CDN rate limiting and DDoS protection. Rate limiting can be implemented using third-party CDN providers like Cloudflare, which allows you to set custom rules for traffic and requests mitigation. You can also explore the Cloudflare firewall settings to block or challenge requests matching specific criteria.
Additionally, consider enabling DDoS protection services, like DigitalOcean’s Cloud Firewall, to protect your website from potential attacks. Cloud Firewalls are free and perfect for staging and production deployments.
Have in mind you can implement additional rules on your droplet as well. If you run
you can set certain rules or have your web-server (Apache/Nginx) to block access to specific resources.Hope that this helps!