I have tried hosting SuiteCRM by creating a droplet and then uploading the SuiteCRM zipped and mysql files, but when I started the process of installing the suitecrm from my domain name everything was stuck and when I clicked on reload it says ‘Database Failure’. A helping hand is appreciated, Thanks.
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Hi there,
The error that you are getting indicates that your database credentials are wrong. You need to update the main SuiteCRM config file with correct information like the database settings and the current SuiteCRM version:
Alternatively, you could give this another try with a new Droplet, based on their official documentation here, you should be able to get this working with the 1-Click LAMP installation:
So what you should be able to do is:
Create a Droplet:
Download SuiteCRM:
for Apache).Set Permissions:
Create your database and user:
Make sure to use a secure password!
Run the Installer:
Let me know how it goes!
- Bobby
Which is the MariaDB version on your droplet and also can you share the steps you’ve taken to create the database? You can check the installation guide in SuiteCRM’s docs: