How do I use “document.getElementById().innerHTML” with a onClick button to import files
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Hey there! 👋
I’ve not used Squarespace in a while but as far as I can tell bes on their docs here this shold be doable:
You should be able to:
Add a Code Block:
Insert Your HTML and JavaScript:
Here’s a simple example where clicking a button loads the content of a file into a div on your page:
function grabs the content from a file (like a.txt
file) and then loads that content into the div with the IDcontent
.You’ll need to make sure the file you want to load is hosted somewhere accessible:
Upload the File:
Update the JavaScript:
in thefetch()
function with the URL of your uploaded file.After you’ve added the code, save your changes and preview the page. When you click the button, it should load the content from the file right into your page.
Let me know how it goes.
- Bobby
1. Inject JavaScript into Squarespace
You can add JavaScript to your Squarespace site by using Code Injection. Here’s how:
Method 1: Inject JavaScript Site-wide
tags in the Footer section (recommended for site speed).Method 2: Add JavaScript to a Specific Page