
How to move a django project from local to the one click app already installed and working without messing it up?

How will i move my django project from local to your django droplet onclick app without messing up the existing configuration

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September 11, 2023


Moving a Django project to a new server while maintaining the existing configuration can be done without much hassle, but you’ll need to follow the steps diligently to ensure you don’t run into issues.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for moving your Django project to a DigitalOcean droplet that has the One-Click Django app:

  1. Backup Everything: Before starting, backup everything. You can use the Snapshot feature:

  2. Preparation:

    • If your Django project uses a virtual environment (which it ideally should), make sure to have a requirements.txt file with all the dependencies listed.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Transfer Your Project:
  • Use scp or rsync to transfer your Django project to the DigitalOcean droplet.
scp -r /path/to/your/django/project root@your_droplet_ip:/path/to/desired/location/
  1. Setup the Environment:
  • SSH into your DigitalOcean droplet.
  • Navigate to the directory where you uploaded your Django project.
  • If you are using a virtual environment, create one and activate it.
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
  • Install the necessary dependencies using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Database Configuration:

    • If you are using a database other than SQLite, you’ll need to set it up on the droplet. This might include installing the database software, creating a new database, user, granting permissions, etc.

    • If you’re using SQLite, simply transfer the SQLite file. However, remember that SQLite is not recommended for production.

    • Transfer your database data. For databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL, you can use tools like pg_dump or mysqldump to create a backup, then restore it on the droplet.

  2. Update Django Settings:

    • Ensure the DEBUG setting is set to False for production.
    • Update the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting to include your droplet’s IP address or domain name.
    • Make sure your DATABASES setting in is updated with the new database details if you’re not using SQLite.
  3. Web Server Configuration:

    • The One-Click Django app from DigitalOcean is likely configured with a sample project. You’ll need to update the configurations (like Nginx and Gunicorn) to point to your project instead.
    • Update paths, directory names, etc., in the configuration files to match your project’s structure.
  4. Run Migrations:

    • It’s a good practice to ensure all migrations are applied:
python migrate
  1. Static and Media Files:
  • Ensure static files are properly collected and served:
python collectstatic
  1. Finalize:
-   Restart all the necessary services (e.g., Nginx, Gunicorn).
-   Ensure firewall settings are allowing traffic on the necessary ports (like 80 and 443).
  1. Testing:
-   Once everything is set up, test your application thoroughly to ensure it works as expected. This includes checking pages, forms, admin interfaces, and other functionalities.
  1. Secure Your Droplet: - Lastly, make sure to secure your droplet. This includes setting up a firewall, disabling root login, setting up SSH key authentication, and regularly updating your server.

This guide provides a general idea of the steps to be followed. Depending on your application’s complexity and the specific services you use, there might be additional steps or specific nuances to handle.

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