I have 3 nodes setup on digital ocean, one as a load balancer+reverse proxy(Server A) & the other two as my upstream servers(Servers B).
I have gsm devices sending data over UDP to Server A. To preserve the devices’ source IP & Port am running the Nginx reverse proxy in transparent mode to Servers B.
With this configuration, I am unable to receive the packets on Servers B & on removing the configuration the packets are well received.
This has led me to conclude that the packets are being detected as spoofed & dropped, kindly assist.
Thank you.
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Hey friend,
This is correct, we do drop all spoofed packets. IP spoofing has a very bad history of abuse on the internet, and we’ve taken a position similar to most network service providers on this issue. While your use case is absolutely fine and not abusive, we just don’t have a way to allow it for good purposes while excluding the bad ones.