I have been seeing this question quite a lot recently, so I decided to put together a few steps on what to do in case your website is not loading.
If you are using Apache you could follow these steps here instead:
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I would recommend following these steps in case that you are having any problems with your nginx server and you are unsure on what the problem is:
If nginx is running you should see something like this:
If nginx is not running then the output would look like this:
Then check the status agian and make sure that nginx remains running.
If you get an error, you would need to fix that problem and then you could restart nginx:
Syntax OK
when runningnginx -t
then your confiruation is correct, so I would recommend checking your error logs:Find the user that your nginx service is running as:
If you are using Ubuntu, the user should be
, so you would need to make sure that your files and folders are owned by that user, so nginx could read and write to those files:ufw
allows TCP connections on port 80 and 443:If this is the case, you can follow the steps from this article here on how to configure your
That is pretty much it, with all of the above information you should be able to narrow down the problem.
For more information I would suggest checking out this article here:
Here is also a quick video demo on how to do that:
Hope that this helps! Regards, Bobby