, and the output token of the command:kubectl get secret --namespace loki-stack loki-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode
(Bad credentials)
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Hi Imneo,
Since the app is installed via Helm, it can be uninstalled by running:
Followed by
We’ll get the instructions updated.
Hello, Can you please read again question #1 in the first post ? I guess you missed that question :-)
Thanks again
Hello, @haimari1
If you want to start from scratch you can simply spin up a new droplet from the marketplace:
I’ve just tested this on a test droplet and everything seems to be running just fine. Credentials are working fine and I can access Grafana without any issues.
I agree that the command needs to be updated with the correct namespace from loki to loki-stack, e.g
kubectl --namespace loki get pods
kubectl --namespace loki-stack get pods
I will follow up on that and will try to get this updated.
Regards, Alex