I booted from Recovery ISO, opened recovery console and ran command
mysqldump -u username -p database_name > data-dump.sql
bash: mysqldump: command not found
I tried to find out but mysql was not installed, then I proceeded to install it.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
But the results returned
No space left on device
so i can’t install mysql on recovery environment, so i can’t create database backup via mysqldump command. What should I do, when droplet is down
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Heya, @3a956ebeda09409f879334ecda13c0
What you can try is to copy the /var/lib/mysql data to your local machine instead of trying to install ‘mysql’ during recovery.
You should see something like:
, mount it:You should see folders corresponding to your databases.
Now, you need to download the database backup before reinstalling the Droplet.
Once you have backed up your MySQL data, rebuild your Droplet and restore the database.
Hope that this helps!