I recently deployed a droplet with WGDashboard so I could VPN into my private network and access other droplets. It seemed to work great until I decided to apply a cloud firewall to one of the droplets running a webserver. As soon as I applied the firewall I could no longer access that droplet over the VPN. Even if I allow all TCP and UDP connections it still does not work. If I remove the cloud firewall from the droplet access is restored. Is this expected behavior?
My end goal is to be able to restrict public vs private access. Example, being able to access Portainer over the VPN but not over the web.
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Heya, @thrivengeek
DigitalOcean’s Cloud Firewalls apply their rules at the network level, outside the droplet itself. This can inadvertently block VPN traffic if the firewall rules are not explicitly configured to allow traffic from your VPN.
You can open the Cloud Firewall settings and add a rule to allow traffic from your VPN subnet:
for Portainer,80
for web).
(or whatever your VPN subnet is).Regards