After logging onto Digitalocean after not doing so for a while, the interface has changed to some extent. Anyway, I can no longer find where I can view my remaining credit as it no longer seems to be under the “billing” section. How do I view my remaining credit?
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We identified a bug that affected the Billing page of the control panel for about an hour after the design update was rolled out. This has since been resolved. Your balance can be found by clicking on the box in the upper right of the page in the control panel and clicking “Billing”.
I just came here to check if there are any question and answers regarding the new interface roll out and billing page issues. I am waiting for DO support response.
Hello there,
Your balance can be found by clicking on the box in the upper right of the page in the control panel and clicking “Billing”.
There’s a “Remaining account credits” section that appears at the very top of the billing page. Above the “Estimated costs for this billing period” section.