Hi all, this is related to not being able to connect to stripe webhooks. It may be because of my TLS version. Stripe webhooks don’t support TLS 1.3. If my version is 1.3, how do I downgrade to TLS 1.2?
Thanks in advance!
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To check the TLS version that your server is using, you can use the
command from a terminal.If it connects successfully, it indicates that TLS 1.2 is supported. You can change
to test for TLS 1.3.For the configuration itself, if you find out that your server is using TLS 1.3 and you need to downgrade to TLS 1.2, you’ll need to modify the server’s configuration.
This will depend on if you are using Nginx or Apache:
For Nginx:
or under/etc/nginx/sites-available/
. This will depend on the OS that you are using.sudo nginx -t
and if you getSyntax OK
, restart Nginx to apply the changes:For Apache:
.apachectl -t
and if you getSyntax OK
, restart Apache**:After you’ve made these changes, you can re-run the
command or use an online service like SSL Labs’ SSL Test to verify the server’s SSL/TLS configuration.Let me know how it goes!
- Bobby
Heya, @swimminglapiswalrus
You can use online tools like SSL Labs’ SSL Test or use
from the command line:This should confirm that your server is using TLS 1.2 for secure connections.
To downgrade your TLS version to 1.2 on a DigitalOcean droplet, you’ll need to adjust the configuration of your web server (e.g., Nginx or Apache) to ensure it uses TLS 1.2 instead of TLS.
The process will be slightly different if you use Apache or Nginx. If you can share more information I can give you some details on how to set this.
Hope that this helps!
There are a few ways to go about this.
Using NMAP:
You might need to install nmap:
Using OpenSSL
For example, if we need to check TLS 1.2 for google.com, the following command can be used:
Another way to check the TLS version is by using the following command: