Hi, Does DigitalOcean have a platform equipped in (R+Rstudio) that can remotly be used to run R codes that require high level computing environment? If yes, how to access such platform? If not, is it possible to create it via a droplet? if yes, how? Any other solution that can meet my need will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Amal
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Hi there,
What you could do here is to use the DigitalOcean Marketplace 1-Click installation image for RStudio:
This basically spins up a Droplet with R and RStudio Server pre-installed.
For your high-performance computing requirement, consider:
If you prefer you could always install RStudio manually on a Droplet or using Docker instead.
Hope that this helps!
- Bobby
hi Altessedac,
RStudio Server is the premier integrated development environment for R that allows to move computation close to the data and scale compute and RAM centrally.
May be You can find your answer on: https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/rstudio
There are two ways to go about it, the first one is to check this MarketPlace Image:
or the second one is to manually install it yourself. Having said that, I’ll recommend you to use the marketplace one.