I have 3 domains and i want to use SLL with one load balancer.
Will Digital Ocean allow me to use a Multi domain SSl purchased from Namecheap for all 3 domains on 1 load balancer?
I have read if i use the free Let’s encrypt SSL it only allows me to use 1 domain per SSL and i will need to purchase 3 Load Balancers (one for each domain/SSL) .
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Hello @tomrproactive ,
your correct you can only attach one domain + its subdomains to an SSL.
There is an option to bring your own SSL where you could bring a multidomain cert from elsewhere.
SnapShooter - DigitalOcean Backups
Thanks for the reply! Kudos for that!
This is very critical indeed - I just finished the migration from AWS and i discovered that and there is no solution to solve it. AWS Load balancer can handle 100s of those on the same load balancer I have 8 apps runnins each its own domain That would not make sense to have 8 load balancers and all the loas balancers will point to the same group of VMs (droplets)
… Aghhh so disapointing again