I am using Digital Ocean MySQL database service with MySQL workbench to manage it (Version 8.0.22 build 107600 CE 64 bit).
I have succesfully connected to the database with MySQL workbench and can see my schema and tables. However i am not enable to reverse engineer my scheme into an ER model. When it imports the MySQL table objects it says:
Steps to reproduce
Does anyone have this issue and knows a solution for it?
Thanks in advance
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Asked DigitalOcean support and they managed to find a solution.
Remove ANSI_QUOTES from Global SQL Mode for the managed database server and it worked for me.
I have the same problem. Did you manage to fix it?
I found a “patch solution”. I export only the structure of the schema in question from the digitalocean database and, in a local environment on my computer, I generate the model from it. Not the optimal way, but it worked for me. I hope this helps you with something.