Hello Im Jofu from and I’m struggling to manage asynchronous functions in JavaScript, especially with nested callbacks. I’ve heard about promises and async/await, but I’m not sure which is better for my case. Can someone explain the differences and help me decide when to use each?
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Hey Jofu 👋,
Managing asynchronous code can definitely be challenging, especially when dealing with nested callbacks, which often leads to what’s called “callback hell.”
I would recommend starting with this tutorial here:
This will give you a good understand! Besides that, here are a few things that you should know:
1. Callbacks
Callbacks are the original way to handle asynchronous tasks, but they can get messy with deeply nested functions:
As you can see, this nesting can quickly become hard to manage.
2. Promises
Promises help make async code easier to read by flattening it. They represent a value that will be available at some point (resolved or rejected):
Promises help with readability and avoid deeply nested callbacks, but handling asynchronous code in a linear, synchronous-looking way is where async/await shines.
3. Async/Await
Async/await is built on top of promises, but it allows you to write asynchronous code in a more “synchronous” style. It makes your code easier to read and maintain:
Key Differences:
When to use Promises:
When to use Async/Await:
Both are great tools, but for most cases nowadays, async/await tends to be easier to work with once you’re familiar with it. If you’re new to this, start with promises and gradually work towards using async/await.
Let me know if you need more help!
- Bobby