My tech person has gone MIA and he never placed the code on our Bitbucket account… So I have no way of allowing others to help get the site finished. Since Digital Ocean is my account, I was able to get into the console and put in the password. Once I did, I got a message that the ubuntu sever needed to be rebooted. Now I’m don’t know where to go from there. Is there a way to extract my website’s code (with a particulate command) so others can work on it? Thank you.
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The easiest way for someone who is not super familiar with the Linux command line to access their web files would be via SFTP. Each droplet includes an SFTP service enabled by default. You can use a client like FileZilla to access your files.
This will work as long as your droplet uses password authentication for SSH and not an ssh key. Based on your having been able to log into the console this is likely to be the case.
When you first log in via SFTP you will be in the folder
. If your site is running on a LAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) your web files are likely to be located in/var/www/html
. If you’re running a different software stack they may be located elsewhere. If you’re unable to find your web files under /var/www/ let us know and provide any other details about the site you can share publicly as it might help in determining what software is running. Once we know that, we can help you identify the web root based on configuration files.Success! I was able to download the files. It was in a different folder than /var/www/, but I eventually found them! Thanks again!