I was trying to install the php and laravel pkg on Linux Ubuntu, but everytime he shows this error package not installed use the latest version.
What should I do?
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You can use our article on How to setup a LAMP stack on Ubuntu 22.04 and just follow the steps for PHP to get it installed on your droplet:
You can include any additional packages to the install command as well. Once done you can check the PHP version with
php -v
Hope that this helps!
If you’re encountering an error stating “package not installed use the latest version” while trying to install PHP and Laravel on Ubuntu, it’s likely that there are issues with the package versions or repository configurations. Here are the steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:
Install PHP:
Install Composer: Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, required for installing Laravel.
Install Laravel: With PHP and Composer installed, you can install Laravel globally using Composer:
Check PHP and Laravel Versions: