When i access phpmyadmin i got this
use PhpMyAdmin\Routing;
if (! defined('ROOT_PATH')) {
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
// phpcs:enable
global $route, $containerBuilder;
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'libraries/common.inc.php';
$dispatcher = Routing::getDispatcher();
Routing::callControllerForRoute($route, $dispatcher, $containerBuilder);...
How can i access phpmyadmin .
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Heya @9e717a7a4dc54f49bcf9b6e81f2ae7,
It seems like you do not have PHP enabled and you are just seeing the code as plain text.
I’ll assume you don’t have PHP as well and provide you with the steps to enable PHP for Apache2(WebService). If you however have installed PHP just skip the steps that do the installation process of PHP.
Enabling PHP for Apache2 on a Linux system is a straightforward process that involves installing PHP, configuring Apache to use PHP, and then restarting the Apache server. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:
This command installs Apache2, PHP, and the necessary module to integrate PHP with Apache.
module is enabled. You can enable it with:Replace
with your PHP version, likephp7.4
directives. These can be found in/etc/apache2/apache2.conf
or in specific site configuration files in/etc/apache2/sites-available/
). For example:Then, open your web browser and navigate to
. If PHP is configured correctly, this page should display detailed information about the PHP environment.phpinfo.php
file as it exposes sensitive information about your server’s configuration.Additionally, you might want to adjust PHP settings for security and performance as per your requirements. This can be done by editing the
file, typically located in/etc/php/[version]/apache2/php.ini
This should happen only when PHP is not installed or enabled on the server itself. You can make sure that the following package is installed and enabled -
You can also check our tutorial on how to install and configure a LAMP stack droplet on Ubuntu 22.04
Hope that this helps!