Hello. I’m attempting to run a simple express app on a node droplet. I use the ‘pm2 start’ command, only to see that my app has errored out. Where can I find logs and investigate? More details here. Thanks.
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Hi @henriavo,
Try running the App without pm2, just start it from your terminal and see if it still fails. Additionally, check your Nginx logs if that is what you are using as a reverse proxy, it should have all you need there. The logs can be found at /var/log/nginx/error.log or error_log.
Please do let me know afterward as a I’m eager to hear what can be the cause of this.
Hi there,
You can use the
pm2 logs
command to get the logs for your application.If you have multiple applications running, you could get the app id using the
pm2 status
and then get the logs for the specific app.Let me know how it goes!