I have created an Ubuntu droplet (via Laravel Forge if that matters) and am trying to remote connect to MySql using Navicat. I have installes by SSH key and am able to connect via SSH. I am also able to log into MySql on the server once I am logged in.
However when I try to remote-connect to MySql using SSH tunnel, the response I get from Navicat is
80070007: SSH Tunnel: Server does not support diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 for
Is there anything I am missing?
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Ok, here is the solution:
append with these lines to ensure correct digest:
Regenerate all keys:
Credit goes here
and then restart ssh service:
After these steps you would need to update your local known_hosts file, as the SSH key has changed. Say, your Digital Ocean droplet IP is
Locate it in ~.ssh/known_hosts and remove the line that begins with this
In a new shell window test you can connect to your instance!
Next time you log in you will be asked to add the host to known hosts again.
Hey, thank you for posting this. It saved me a ton of time.
ssh-keygen -A command gives below error… ssh-keygen: illegal option – A usage: ssh-keygen [options] Options: -a trials Number of trials for screening DH-GEX moduli. -B Show bubblebabble digest of key file. -b bits Number of bits in the key to create. -C comment Provide new comment. -c Change comment in private and public key files. -D pkcs11 Download public key from pkcs11 token. -e Convert OpenSSH to RFC 4716 key file. -F hostname Find hostname in known hosts file. -f filename Filename of the key file. -G file Generate candidates for DH-GEX moduli. -g Use generic DNS resource record format. -H Hash names in known_hosts file. -h Generate host certificate instead of a user certificate. -I key_id Key identifier to include in certificate. -i Convert RFC 4716 to OpenSSH key file. -L Print the contents of a certificate. -l Show fingerprint of key file. -M memory Amount of memory (MB) to use for generating DH-GEX moduli. -N phrase Provide new passphrase. -O option Specify a certificate option. -P phrase Provide old passphrase. -p Change passphrase of private key file. -q Quiet. -R hostname Remove host from known_hosts file. -r hostname Print DNS resource record. -S start Start point (hex) for generating DH-GEX moduli. -s ca_key Certify keys with CA key. -T file Screen candidates for DH-GEX moduli. -t type Specify type of key to create. -V from:to Specify certificate validity interval. -v Verbose. -W gen Generator to use for generating DH-GEX moduli. -y Read private key file and print public key. -Z name,… User/host principal names to include in certificate -z serial Specify a serial number.
Regards, S K Gupta